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What is the third eye? How to open your third eye

The third eye is our ability to see what might be, to see potential.

Everyone has access to his or her third eye. For example, when you have a hunch and act on it, you’ve used your third eye. But that’s only the beginning. Your third eye is a sense, one you can develop to be more refined and accurate than just being a hunch.
The Third Eye is a natural part of every person. One way to think of it is as a “meta” organ that consists of your mind and all of your senses working together as a larger, more powerful sensory organ. The Third Eye is a very clever bit of natural evolution that allows you to see the patterns in your life. Even more amazing, your third eye can reveal these patterns to you by overlaying this information on top of your other senses.
As a sense, your third eye can be used in many different ways. Seers use their third eye to understand hidden connections and answer questions. Energy workers ‘feel’ the energies around them and to then consciously manipulate that energy. And every time you have empathy, you are using your third eye to touch and feel the emotions of others. Many other examples exist for how people use the Third Eye.

Seeing with the Third Eye

To understand how the third eye works, let’s look at how it is possible to use the Third Eye to sense and visually interpret energy around us. It’s possible to see Motion (for example a car moving), Activity (you driving the car) and Exchange of Energy (burning the gas). Add in our capacity of sensing & projecting potential (being able to predict where the car goes based on the roads and knowing the driver), in other words seeing where energy, motion and activities will flow to over time. Add all this together into an internal visual map and you have just expanded how you see Energy playing out (the results of using the car/gasoline/intention to drive you up the hill). By seeing energy as mental overlay rather than just an abstract concept, it becomes a tangible property of life that we can learn how to sense and interact with in a deeper manner.
Is it possible to really ‘see’ energy? Not directly. While our eyes can see the end results of energy in action, seeing energy directly is another thing all together. Our eyes only ‘see’ what they are designed to see, light. What our third eye does is process information and then overlay that information over our other senses in such a way we can then interpret and interact with energy in a more precise manner. In this way, we can understand where the energy is and we can ‘see’ it.
This makes sense, if you think about it. The mind has figured something out and wants to tell us. The easiest way for it to do this is to use what it already has access to: our five normal senses.
This can appear as a mystical power being able to “see” or “predict” processes, events, potentials which are not physically present. But it’s a very real and tangible skill.
Because so much depends on your ability to interpret results, there is a lot of room for mistranslation between the “facts” and what your third eye returns to you. Also, because each of us sees things differently, it can be problematic to share what we see with others. For example, when we hear the word ‘cup’, each of us may visualize a completely different cup. What one person will sense is different from another.
Of course, commonalities exist. We are human and our form, our nature help push us towards common baselines of experience. However, the unique nature of each person also ensures that each of us sees the world from a different angle.
It shouldn’t be surprising, then, that there are so many different mystical practices to explore all the different perceptions of the world we hold.

Lets use Aura’s as an example.

Consider a person who sees auras or light. Auras are in fact such an information overlay. Your brain has the ability to process visual information, but the image it creates for you is not limited to what comes from your eyes. Consider what you see on this page as you read it. You aren’t seeing black lines. You are seeing words and then concepts and ideas overlaid on top of them.
Now envision yourself looking at another person. You don’t just see what he or she is wearing. Your whole neural network, your mind and sense organs form a larger more sensitive antenna that picks up on energy and patterns before you. There are so many clues in front of you that tell you about the person’s emotional state, well-being, level of distraction, and so many other factors. Your third eye has a lot to share with you and so it puts this information into what you see by adding an aura. In reality what you are seeing is slightly different over what is happening: but your mind is always altering your experience to give you extra information to work with. If you look at the scientific research you will discover the mind is constantly editing our perception. So the third eye uses this natural mental capacity to alter our perception to add in extra data more than we realize.
Seeing auras or energy can appear as a mystical power, depending upon a person’s level of skill. But it is just that: a very real and tangible skill, one that can be taught. A person can even be taught how to view auras in a standard way.

Opening the Third Eye

Taoist and Shamanic practices have developed extensive training techniques for using and working with your third eye. It’s a real sense, but it’s a “meta” sense and it must be “used and tuned” in order to be developed fully. It isn’t something that just works out of the box from birth.
A great way to start using and tuning this sense is to connect to a power animal or learn shamanic journeying.  A shamanic practitioner can assist you through a power animal retrieval or by guiding you on ashamanic journey.
As a Taoist, I have been developing my third eye since I was five years old and had my first vision. When I shared my first vision with others, I discover immediately that most people don’t see the world in this fashion. Unfortunately, I was also persecuted by others. Being so young, I quickly learned to keep my ability to myself and explore it silently and patiently on my own terms. It’s only recently that I have opened up on this part of my Taoist practice since it’s so easily misunderstood and so many misconceptions exist about this ability.
I have spent more than 40 years exploring my third eye, reviewing materials and using my background in both Taoism and the sciences to understand it. During this time, I have developed a way to describe the third eye in terms that are acceptable to most everyone. So hence, I am now sharing it in my teachings.
Many people naturally suppress this ability, often to prevent others from making fun of them or labeling them as crazy. And, with enough suppression, any ability withers and goes away. You must use your third eye in order for it work. Also, how you use it shapes what it will be able to sense.
For all of these reasons and others, the Third Eye remains a mysterious ability.
Different cultures use many varied techniques to develop this skill. Taoists, for example, are very patient, taking decades to define and refine this ability to help them become a Sage / Seer with the extra information they can see. The nature of the interpretive aspects of this ability means experience helps improve its capabilities and accuracy. As a consequence, it is a slow process to master.

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